
relationships, or the lack thereof

It seems that relationships, whether ending or beginning, have been quite the hot topic as of late.

I hate that this is true, but our theory which states that high school couples that go into college still a couple either break up within 4-6 weeks of school starting, or they stick it out and end up getting married, has proven itself true once again. There are few examples that sit in between. Like I said, I hate to see friends deal with this.

Other friends have fallen into the same situations they have dealt with before, finding out too late a few interesting details about their new prospect that totally throws everything for a loop. It especially sucks when things are going well. How and why this happens absolutely escapes me.

In one more example, a friend once again steps out on a limb to give a dating relationship a try. Once again, said friend gets shut down, for no good reason I might add, but a reason that we understand.

All of these things make me realize the complexity of relationships. Whether it's beginning them, maintaining them, or ending them, I think we forget just how much work goes into them, which is something that I'm learning about in my Interpersonal Communication class right now. Hopefully, one day, when I'm a little bigger, a little stronger, a little smarter, I'll actually be able to help someone with these things...maybe.


Maladoodle said...

yay for left out details!
i cannot believe i'm still in this, but it sure is fun.

Maladoodle said...

I think you nailed that one on the head about how you dive head first into whatever you get interested in.
I would say that a strength of yours is you are capable of putting your thoughts into words well. I know that if I needed some honest answers I could go to you and you would let me know exactly how you feel about the situation.
Also, you are accepting of people. Sometimes it's hard for me to see past people's major flaws, but you just embrace people.

Love ya!