
baby, it's cold outside

I love living in Oklahoma. Here in one reason why.

Yesterday, at about 4 p.m., it was approximately 75 degrees fahrenheit. Less than 6 hours later, the temperature was approximately 25 degrees fahrenheit. Ridiculous.

I didn't grow up here, so when we moved here in 1999, I had no idea that the weather could change so rapidly. I soon learned though, and over the last 9 years, this has become commonplace. I remember when my grandma and grandpa came out here for my graduation, a huge thunderstorm blew in in about 10 mins. Perfectly blue skies to torrential downpour and huge thunder and lightning. We (my parents, siblings, and I) didn't flinch. However, my grandma acted as if the world was ending, that Jesus Christ himself was riding in on his white horse on the front edge of this storm. I've honestly never known anyone that worries more than her.

All that to say, it's amazing to me how something like weather, and peoples mindsets, can change so quickly.


Jared Johnson said...

Who's to say Jesus Christ wan'tn on that cloud son!!!

I love living in Oklahoma because if you told that story to a group of 100 people, 47 would have the above response. That's right, 47%. In SE OK, the redneck speak is much higher.

The Bullards said...

Grandma is probably still a little jumpy from when her man got shanked in Germany.

(Assuming, of course, that this Grandma is Harry's wife).