
from wherever spring arrives

It has been absolutely gorgeous the last couple of days. I have to say that I am welcoming spring wholeheartedly this year. Hopefully the temperature will start to level out and those of us who are sick can finally get well.

The topic of being a godly man has been one of high frequency as of late. I must say that it's a topic that absolutely scares the crap out of me in some aspects and is a great encouragement to me in others. To be a man of God, in most ways, is opposite of what the culture around us defines manliness as. That is frustrating to say the least. I mean, if you look at everything from how to treat those around you to your relationship with your wife and kids, scripture screams in the face of what most men practice today, me included unfortunately.

I guess the key to being who we're called to be is something that I've learned through experience over the last 3 years especially. We can't do it alone, as bad as we want to be macho and tough out this walk with Jesus by our lonesome, we just can't do it. I need men around me to encourage me, rebuke me, teach me, laugh with me, cry with me, and recognize the God who loves us with we. I have been blessed with an amazing group of guys from all over the place that I can live life with, that I know will be there for me whether I need someone to high five, or if I need someone to put that high five to my face and give me a wake up call.

We cannot and must not to this on our own.

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