
The name of our fathers

To carry on the name of our fathers.

That's a lot of weight to carry, I believe. To do well to carry on the legacy that our father and grandfathers have built for us. A weight that I don't believe I'll fully understand until they are away from here, gone to be with the Eternal Father.

Maybe for some of us, our fathers name is something that we want to be rid of, for whatever reason. Maybe he did things that we, by no means, want to be associated with. Or maybe we are nothing but proud of the things that our fathers and their fathers before them have done, leaving us a name to carry with confidence. Either way, we carry that name with us. We also, those of us who follow Jesus, carry the name of our Heavenly Father.

This name is one that we to soon forget about, doing and saying things that do not further his name in the least. It's a name that we often forget we carry. It's the name by which we are saved, and yet we are quick to forget it.

I hope that I am doing all that I can to bring recognition and fame to His name, but I know that far to frequently, that's just not the case.


Man-Duh said...

Beautifully written, my friend. And I agree whole-heartedly. We are so quick to forget who we represent, and whose name we carry.

RunningMad said...


This is along the lines of what I wrote. I think it's so easy to say, "Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian."

But do we really see and know what that means? We can forget too easily. I pray I stay constantly reminded and refreshed, that I may walk according to His path.

Thank you, Jesse.