
fall brings on the cold...heart

So fall has arrived. The cold has snapped and coat and beanie wearing has commenced. Sigur Ros has been listened to (and is continuing to be listened to due to their new album). Coffee has been consumed more frequently, and a general sense of nostalgia has filled the air. This time of year has always been my favorite. I enjoy nothing more than to walk outside in the morning and have to walk back in and put on a jacket. This time of year brings a lot of contemplating. And that gets me in some heart troubles.

As of late, I miss some old friends much more acutely, and want to visit my family in Georgia very, very badly. I also can't seem to muster up the courage to ask a certain interest of mine to dinner, and this drives me crazy. I guess I should just man up and do it, but the ever present fear of rejection seems to keep the words from escaping my mouth.

I see God so clearly in these days, and mostly in the perfectly crisp, clear nights. The stars seem brighter than usual, and the moon has been as silvery as can be, leading me to a realization that there is something good in the world, although chances are it may not be me.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:20

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