
four years ago seems like yesterday

Last night, my little brother graduated from the prestigious Seminole High School. A few of my friends that I graduated with were there, and some of them I hadn't seen since our big night. Needless to say, awkward conversations and catching up commenced. I swear I was mentally preparing myself to go to Grants house after the commencement to play Halo until 6 in the morning like we did after our graduation.

It was surreal sitting there amongst the crowd of people, a lot of whom I recognized, watching my little brother and all his classmates walk across that field. It saddened me a bit to know that some of the people there had no connection to anyone graduating, other than the fact that they to graduated from Seminole, but they had nothing better to do than come sit in that old stadium. To think that some of them are still so deeply connected to that high school 5, 10, 20 years after they graduate is confusing to me. I guess that when I left that place, I was very much ready to be gone from there. This wasn't because I didn't enjoy my time there. I still love hearing about Chieftain football, what music the band is playing this year, and how the speech & debate team is doing, and how many people are failing Mrs. Rose's senior AP english class. But ultimately, I was needing to go, just to change my surroundings.

I'm not really sure what the point of all these ramblings are. Just observations I guess, but observations that have made me look hard at the last four years of my life and how much I have changed, and how the little old town of Seminole has virtually stayed the same.




a little over a week ago, some of my best friends graduated from college.

some of those friends went home immediately to begin to be grown ups. pretty lame if you ask me.

some of them stayed around for a little while, a bit reluctant to leave.

some of them decided that the plans that they had made were no longer going to be their plans, choosing to leave them for another road into the future, however hard that decision was.

some have no idea what they are going to do, and couldn't care if they found out or not.

regardless of their departure, its hard to see them leave. i know that in some cases, i will never be as close to them again as i was the day of graduation. that fact seems to haunt me sometimes, that they may become just some guys that i knew for four years or so, and not people that played an integral part of my life.

i could sit here and list the 1,000,000 memories that i have of the last 4 years, but i don't want to bore you (if you're still reading this). lets just say that God has ushered in a new season of life for me, one that i don't yet know what to think of.

and i wait ever so impatiently to know where He will lead me and who He will lead me to.


the realization that i don't know when my grandparents will die has subtly worked its way into my thoughts lately. a few friends have lost their loved ones lately, and it reminds me of my grandpa. i think back to the man that he was, who he taught me to be without my knowledge of him even doing so. i think about how my grandma loved him through it, how she patiently stayed with him until he went home to the banquent table, to drink good wine and eat good food with our Father.

each word from the mouths of my grandparents seem to hold more weight as of late. it doesn't matter if its my grandma warning me to put my savings bonds in a safe place so that they don't get lost, or if its my grandmother telling me she's proud of me for making good grades. i relish these utterances from the hearts of women who have spoken more wisdom into my heart than any other two people that i can think of.

and i love them for it.